Welcome to Root Notes
Plant roots thrive wherever water and soil interface, and they are important indicators of the functionality of agriculture and environmental systems. On this website, you’ll find helpful facts, recent and ongoing research, and philosophical opines about a wide range of subjects related to soil, water and plants for environmentally friendly agriculture.
Latest Root Notes
How does root depth affect the nearby soil?
Do plants and soils really talk?
The Soil-Based Septic System
A Root Note in music is the note within a chord that defines the key of that chord. It may be the lowest tone you hear in the chord. In fact, its order within the chord has a lot to do with the sonic qualities of (and therefore the listener’s perception) of the overall harmony.
“Music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Composer“Without roots, all of our tomatoes would blow away!”